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Use these Online Marketing Methods to Fill Your Summer Camp

summer camp marketing ideas

When the end of school approaches, parents often scout around for interesting summer camps for their children online. Which camps will get their attention, though? Per Business2Community’s findings, the first three camps that come up in a search result will earn 60% of all searchers’ clicks. Consequently, if you want to know how to increase summer camp enrollment, you need to avail yourself of proven online summer camp marketing ideas.

Make Your Site SEO Friendly

SEO plays a huge role in getting to the top of organic search results. Unless you’re thoroughly convinced every page, image, and video on your website is optimized correctly, you need to talk to an expert. Otherwise, you could definitely miss out on some serious digital traffic. As one of the top summer camp marketing ideas, tuning up your site with SEO makes sense. Yet what if your site only has a few pages? You can boost its attractiveness to search engines like Google and Bing by consistently adding pages through an active blog. If you’re not sure what to write about or how to optimize your content, an SEO company can help.

Remember That Videos Sell

Looking for summer camp marketing ideas that engage your whole staff? Invest your time in creating some video content. Your videos can include anything that would interest potential campers and their parents. Exercise your creativity and have fun. For instance, if your summer camp focuses on live theatrical performances, give people a quick tour of your stage and backstage areas. Is your camp sports-related? Ask one of your head counselors to show off some mad skills. Videos help people feel more comfortable choosing your summer camp. And when your video is complete, you can work with SEO experts to market it effectively.

Make Use of Your Social Pages

Your summer camp probably has a Facebook page. Make use of it year-round, not just when your camps are in session. Throughout the fall, winter, and spring, post images from the previous summer and give parents and future campers a taste of next year’s curriculum or daily plans. Use images on Facebook whenever possible. Social Media Today research indicates Facebook posts with images snag 94% more views than pictureless posts. No need to pay a photographer, though: Your photos can be goofy and candid. As long as they make sense for you to share, upload them.

Not sure how to implement some of these summer camp marketing ideas with your personnel? No problem. Our team at Ibis Studio is here to help you breathe fresh life into all your camp-related digital materials. We want to make sure your camp’s marketing campaign helps you foster growth in your campers for years to come.