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Mobile Search Engine Optimization: A New Mobile-Friendly Ranking Factor

Smartphones and tablets have increased the need for businesses to reach out to their customers on mobile platforms. More people are using mobile devices to complete research or interact with their favorite businesses. In response to these changes in the nature of Internet use, Google has adjusted its algorithms to create mobile-friendly ranking factors that can influence your overall rankings.

seo-592747_1280The Algorithm Change

Google’s mobile algorithm changes are scheduled to launch on April 21, 2015. This will give websites the chance to improve their mobile presence to protect their current rankings and potentially increase them once the algorithm launches. However, if you are unable to make these changes in time, there’s no reason to worry. The algorithm change will be on a rolling basis, so any changes made after this date will still have an impact on your rankings. A mobile search engine optimization company in Miami can help you make these changes more quickly to ensure a fast turnaround.

What Can You Do?

There are several aspects of your website that require your attention to ensure that you are in line with these new algorithm changes. To ensure better mobile search engine optimization, you should:

  • Use Responsive Web Design — A responsive Web design allows you to cater to computer and mobile customers with one simple design. Responsive design automatically detects the device and adjusts your site to match the screen size.
  • Create a Clean, Simple Design — A cluttered website doesn’t perform as well on a mobile platform, even with a responsive design. Therefore, a clean, simple design will serve your needs much better.
  • Display Your Contact Information — Mobile users are much less likely to visit a separate Contact Us page to find out how to reach you. Prominently placing your contact information on your site will always ensure that users can find you.
  • Link to Google Maps — Google Maps makes it easier for customers to find you when they are on the go. This is especially important if you are a local business interested in reaching people close to you.

Hiring a mobile search engine optimization company in Miami will help you make the appropriate changes in time for the Google algorithm change. This is the first time Google has given advance notice, so it’s important to take advantage of the opportunity.
