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How Digital Agency Services Create Mobile-Friendly Content

Research of Internet trends shows that mobile device users are spending approximately 3.3 hours per day online, and consuming an ever-increasing amount of content. In fact, 52.2% of website traffic in 2018 was attributed to mobile user connections. Survey studies of online marketing indicate that content marketing has the potential to increase your revenue by an estimated 40%. As such, creating mobile-friendly, engaging content needs to be made an important tactic in your Internet marketing strategy.

These findings show that targeting mobile device users may become a leading digital marketing strategy. This shift towards mobile engagement implies that the search for better client engagement should focus on bettering content designed for mobile phones. This is important for any business wishing to stay competitive because Google has recently released its mobile-friendly algorithm.

Take a glimpse at some of the strategies that most digital agency services use to create better content for mobile phones.

Content Writing-based Strategies

  • Engaging or compelling content is always placed first because mobile phone users have to scroll down more than PC users. The size of their screen, after all, is smaller. These users often won’t scroll beyond the first page, so capturing their attention quickly before you can lose it is crucial. Letting the most interesting content to come first will help.
  • Captivating, short headlines that explain the benefits of reading the content are often used to urge the readers to explore the content. The font is also often minimized to avoid losing long headlines below the fold.
  • Concise writing is often preferred to provide content that can be easily scanned to provide comprehensive information.

Technical Strategies For Creating Mobile-Friendly Content

  • You should create a responsive website whose elements of design allow adjustable use on various makes of devices to provide a friendly browsing experience and easy site navigation.
  • Optimize the speed experience so that mobile users can have the site’s content loading faster. According to Google, for every page loading delay that lasts for a second or more, the site’s conversion declines by 12%. Therefore, ask your digital agency services provider to optimize your pages for speed. You could use the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) approach, which is part of an open-source project shared by Google.
  • Creation of a sitemap is important because it helps Google crawl through your website efficiently. You could use XML sitemaps or any popular plugins in the market for this purpose.
  • You should also diligently design your descriptions, titles, and meta-titles in the content because these will determine how well and quick your content can be found and ranked on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). A good design of these elements improves click-through rates.

Visual Strategies Used by Digital Agency Services in Creating Mobile-Friendly Content

  • It’s ideal to create a site that is easy to navigate by using a simple and responsive design. The provision of a clear navigation path and large, easy-to-display, clickable buttons is important in improving site navigation.
  • Large chunks of text should be broken with visual content such as pictures or audio-visual content. You could also use bold colors on graphics to draw the attention of the viewers of your site. Large images should also be compressed to reduce the time required to load them.

Engagement Strategies that Digital Agency Services can Use in Content Creation

  • Mobile-friendly content should be made shareable. It’s useless to create superb content that can’t be easily shared. To achieve the viral marketing effect, content needs to be easily shareable across various online platforms including social media.
  • Optimize your site for social media to ensure that viewers and clients can link to your site and social media platforms easily because most mobile phone users use their phones to visit social media platforms.
  • You should optimize your site for shoppers and ask your digital agency services provider to create a mobile-friendly site that can enable users to shop using their phones.

For optimized mobile-friendly content ensure that your digital marketing agency helps you include at least half of all of these features on your website for better marketing results.