4 Ways to Turn Cold LinkedIn Connections Into Clients
When it comes to social media marketing, the vast majority of B2B marketers use the LinkedIn platform for part of their content strategy. LinkedIn is a significant digital tool to make important business connections as there are over 645 million users on the platform worldwide. Just like your email and phone contacts, you can turn your cold LinkedIn connections into warm revenue-generating clients. Here are four ways you can turn cold LinkedIn connections into clients without having to be sales-y or spammy.
Research Your Prospects With LinkedIn
LinkedIn is one of the top social media marketing platforms for reaching influential decision-makers. Before you try to contact one of these influencers about your product or service, you may want to research the potential prospect to learn more about any potential pain points and common interests they may have. Pay attention to what the prospect is talking about on social media and use it as a conversation starter. This can help you customize your message to present yourself as a problem solver who can provide immense value.
Personalize Connection Requests
Sending a generic connection request will most likely not give you the results you desire. By personalizing LinkedIn connection requests, it will make it more likely that prospects will accept them and want to engage with you. If the prospect clicks the option that says they don’t know the person, your account could get restricted and completely derail your social media marketing strategies. To personalize your connection request, use their name and mention something in their shared content or profile that you find interesting about them.
Provide Value
As soon as your prospect accepts your personalized connection request, you should find a way to provide value as part of your social media marketing strategy instead of jumping immediately into a sales pitch. Share content from your profile that is beneficial for the needs and interests of your prospects, such as case studies where you’ve helped other clients. Provide your prospect with a relaxed environment to learn more about you on their own terms. Try to avoid annoying them with constant messaging.
Move Your Connection Offline
If you want to close a deal with your potential prospect, you should prepare your prospect to engage with you offline. This can be done by setting up a video chat, phone call, or an in-person meeting. Nurture your lead with your social media marketing efforts for at least a week before scheduling a sales pitch. By waiting, you’ll increase your chances of getting a positive response.
Cold contacting potential clients on LinkedIn can be an effective strategy in your social media marketing. Spend time warming up your prospect before you make your pitch to avoid looking sales-y or spammy. By forming a personal relationship with each client, you’ll set yourself up for business success.