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12 Ways to Attract Instagram Followers and Drive Engagement

Instagram has become a highly popular and lucrative social media platform for all types of businesses. According to Hootsuite, around 35% of adults online browse and use Instagram on a regular basis. If you want to improve your leads in your social media strategy, engaging your business on this platform is critical. Here are 12 ways you can attract Instagram followers and drive engagement.

social media

Create Quality Content

Instagram focuses heavily on appealing graphics for their platform. Your business marketing content should be visually stimulating, entertaining, and informative. Live videos perform well as content creation for this social media platform. According to a 2017 report, approximately 81% of marketers optimize social videos for mobile devices.

Post On A Consistent Basis

The search engine optimization algorithm Instagram uses rewards those who post on a consistent basis. You should aim to post at least once a day for six days each week. Posting more often will lead to even more engagement. Use scheduling tools to do this automatically for you.

Know When To Post

The best time to post your content is when you know your followers will be online. There are numerous free and paid analytic tools you can use to gather that information based on the posts you’ve already created. These tools will tell you what days and times your followers are most active.

Directly Engage With Followers

Expect follower engagement to grow steadily over a long period of time. Massive growth typically doesn’t happen unless you pay for advertising or influencer marketing or the post unexpectedly goes viral. You can get your followers to engage with you by commenting on their posts and messaging new followers with free information on your company.

Use A Reverse Hashtag Digital Marketing Strategy

Search for relevant hashtags that are similar to your business, product, or service. Then look for up to 20 leading posts from each of these hashtags and make a constructive comment. By doing this, you can increase your internet marketing visibility and attract new followers.

Create Attention Grabbing Captions

The captions for your posts are prime business marketing opportunities that you need to pay extra attention to. The first few words you use in your captions are able to grab the most attention, so choose your words wisely. Make your captions memorable and give followers the feeling that your account is all about them.

Build A List of Relevant Hashtags

This process can be time-consuming but completely worth it for your digital strategy. Each of your products should have a comprehensive list of hashtags that are relevant to its benefits and features. You may also want to consider building a comprehensive list of hashtags for every category you have for your posts.

Brand Your Posts

Branding your posts is important on this social media platform. Use the same colors, text, and fonts for each of your posts for consistency and familiarity for your followers. Make sure you are posting images and text that support your brand to avoid any potential confusion.

Optimize Your Profile

Your Instagram profile is your chance to make a great first impression. Make sure it is a business profile, rather than a personal one. Add fun symbols and emojis to give visitors a visual representation of your company and include relevant hashtags.

Work With Influencers

You can work with influencers to help promote your products and services to a larger audience. They can promote on Instagram as well as on their website and other social media platforms. Make sure promotions are included in all your influencer campaigns.

Take Advantage Of Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories keep your company’s profile visible consistently on the platform. More than 400 million users access Stories on an everyday basis. Use this feature to highlight your best information.

Live Stream

When you go live, your followers are instantly notified. Talking to your followers directly can dramatically increase engagement. Go live anytime you have a product launch or an important event coming up.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to attract more followers and increase engagement. This will help you earn more money over time. The time and effort you spend can create many long term benefits for your company long into the future.