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Welcome to Our New Client in Maryland: Bethesda Reggio Preschool

Early childhood education is an important stepping stone in a child’s life. From infancy to kindergarten, children learn social skills, critical thinking skills, and many more fundamental aspects that benefit them for the rest of their educational careers and their lives. Many incredible schools possess their own approaches to teaching these skill sets to bright, young minds. In Maryland, one preschool is pushing for its own unique method to early childhood education. A concept of bringing the great outdoors to the classroom. A technique in administering dual-language learning at a young age. A revolution to modern teaching. Please welcome, Bethesda Reggio Preschool. 

Who They Are

Bethesda Reggio is a preschool and daycare in Bethesda, Maryland, with the mission to provide excellent, innovative education to children through programs ranging from infants to kindergarten prep. Their essential value is to uphold respect for children as competent learners with irrefutable rights for the purpose of learning from them, protecting them, and recognizing their accomplishments. The name of the school derives from its approach. Reggio Emilia Approach empowers creative thinking and a joy of learning. It combines expressive arts, open and natural learning environments (outside and inside), documenting progress, and a focus on long-term projects. Bethesda as well gives children the opportunity to become fluent in Spanish due to the higher ability to grasp another language when they are in early development. This school encompasses the next wave of childhood education with its outdoor activities, language immersion, and other astonishing attributes.

​What We Are Doing For Them
Similarly to Bethesda Reggio with their students, Ibis Studio recognizes the accomplishments and success of our clients. We want everyone else to know about Bethesda and their teachings. To achieve this goal, Ibis provides them our SEO services, a social media management team, and a Google Ads Campaign. Our SEO services will ensure parents searching for preschools or daycares in Maryland will find Bethesda with the help of our updated local geomarketing tools and established keywords/phrases to attract and target traffic to the website. We created accounts across several media platforms for audiences to learn more about the school and their values in a creative fashion. The Google Ads Campaign will allow sponsored ads for Bethesda to be placed top in searches and creating a smoother path for parents to find the website. Ibis Studio is excited to welcome our new client, Bethesda Reggio to our family, and we cannot wait for more to learn all about you.