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Web Design to Reach Your Target Demographic

web design firms

Web design firms and SEO companies tend to make a lot of promises about how they can improve your web business and search engine results with just a few nifty tricks. However, a good agency will know that it’s never a one-size-fits-all solution. Every industry is different, and every business within that industry is, too.

Your website should be designed to engage your target demographic. A senior care center, for instance, will have very different requirements from a private elementary school. Here’s how generational demographics might influence your content and what web design firms can do to help you capture the widest audience possible.

    • Millennials
      The Millennial generation is known for being extraordinarily tech-savvy. They’ll want high speed and instant access to the most important information you have, right away. In addition to being very comfortable with computers and mobile devices of all styles, Millennials are also very highly educated, perhaps more so than any other generation in history. Over one-third (34%) hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher. There’s no pulling the wool over their eyes. You need a web design that’s fast, simple, direct, and interactive in order to woo the Millennial customer.


    • Gen Xers
      The in-betweeners of “Generation X” are now in the prime years of their careers and parenting lives. Like Millennials, they don’t have time to waste fishing around for information on the Internet. Research says that the top three organic results in any search engine result get 60% of all clicks, which means it’s important for your results to be on page one every time. Get an SEO strategy that works!


  • Baby Boomers
    Make no mistake: Baby Boomers are still a vital part of the Internet marketing demographic and will only continue to become a powerful force in shaping how the web caters toward seniors. The 65-and-older population was just 12.4% of the U.S. in 2000, but by 2030, they’ll represent 19% of the total population. Make your content accessible, but not pandering: These are people who have been working with technology for decades, and are often the ones who helped build it in the first place! Web design firms don’t need to dumb down pages to make them accessible to Boomers — they need to make them worthwhile.

Every business has different goals and different purposes. Why shouldn’t they have different web designs? Build a site that both reflects your brand and appeals to your target demographic to get the most out of your web presence.