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To Truly Maximize Your SEO Efforts, Expand Your Idea of Content and How It’s Delivered


By now (hopefully) most readers of this blog understand the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and how it can improve your site’s search rankings. Similarly, the guiding principle of any successful SEO effort is high-quality, original content. This fact underscores the importance of having a consistent blog.

That said, content can manifest itself in many different ways. In other words, truly successful SEO efforts must diversify their content delivery channels and in turn, must make sure their Web design is flexible enough to accommodate them.

For example, small businesses should invest in video marketing. A simple 30 second video highlighting a product, a customer success story, or providing helpful advice to customers, is a necessity nowadays. Better yet, have your own YouTube channel. Similarly, small business may want to consider things like podcasts, which can generate new visitors who are referred to your site, or discover it through podcast directories.

While it may sound intimidating, simply consider these efforts natural extensions of your existing marketing strategies. So if you’re looking for a provider of SEO in Miami, look no further than Ibis.