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How the Wisdom of Steve Jobs Doesn’t Apply to the Current State of Web Design

The idea of what constitutes the Current State of Web Design and cool Web design has changed considerably over the years. Previously, a flashy, colorful homepage with relatively simple navigation would be deemed a sufficient approach. And that was because Web design was calling the shots – they were designing pages and customers were reacting accordingly. To paraphrase Steve Jobs’s old axiom, customers don’t know what they want; they need to be told.

Those days are long gone.  Now it’s the customers who are driving the pace of change in Web design. And that’s because they’ve become accustomed to visually rich, highly sophisticated Web experiences. (Sure, it’s ok to blame Facebook for this too.)

Small businesses have an increasingly small window with which to engage first time users. To get them to actually navigate your site, much less purchase a product, are huge challenges in their own right.

As Website designers in Miami with a track record of designing powerful sites for all types of businesses, we know what it takes to lure a visitor and get them to stay. Need proof? Check our past work here.

Investors aren’t Impressed with the Current Crop of Start-Ups: What it Means for Your Firm and Your Web Design Strategy

Less than a decade after the dot-com bust, you would think investors would have learned their lesson. As you may recall, during the Silicon Valley gold rush days, investors pumped millions of start-up capital into all kinds of start-ups, hoping they could cash in on the “next big thing.” It didn’t matter if the start-up lacked a coherent business plan – they hype was so powerful, and the possibility of a cashing in was so great, countless investors took the plunge.

Now, however, it seems that they’ve learned their lesson. According to this piece in the New York Times, investors are now far pickier when it comes to dropping millions into start-ups. And there are two main lessons here for small businesses in Miami.

One, the most obvious one, is to have a plan for growth. Sitting around, hoping that a larger company will come and snatch up your firm won’t cut it – any potential suitors want to see plans for consistent revenue growth.

And second, the mobile web experience is critical. More users are migrating to mobile devices, but there’s one problem: advertising on mobile devices is far more difficult than anyone imagined. In fact, this is the main reason why investors are holding back funds. So if you’re looking for Website designers in Miami who can help you develop a long-term online growth strategy that embraces mobile advertising, look no further than Ibis.