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3 Signs You Should Definitely Reevaluate Your SEO Strategy

As a business owner, you may already know that your website traffic is just as important as your in-person traffic. You’ve probably spent many hours working with web design and branding services trying to get your site looking flawless and easy to click around. However, you may notice that even though you’ve spent so much time designing and optimizing your business’s website, you still aren’t getting enough clicks or notice. It may seem as if the time you spent working with web design and branding services was wasted. However, there are some easy fixes that you can implement this quarter to revitalize your SEO strategy and improve traffic.

While there are many reasons that your website’s traffic might be lackluster, one reason could be due to your SEO strategy. SEO is something that is constantly changing and never stays the same. Even if you think your set plan is strong and works well, you may want to rethink a few things. There are few common signs that it is time to reevaluate your SEO strategy. Let’s take a look at three of them.

You’ve Forgotten the Mobile World
In order to be successful online, you must be successful on a mobile device. Over 60% of Google searches are done using a cell phone or a tablet. If you are ignoring this fact, there’s a chance that users and search engines will ignore you as well. According to a report done in 2017, 81% of marketers said that they have optimized their videos for mobile devices, and we know that Google is giving priority to mobile friendly sites in search rankings. By making sure that you stay up-to-date with these SEO trends, you’re more likely to be successful online.

Here’s the bottom line: if your site isn’t optimized for mobile experiences, then your SEO strategy is behind the times.

You Force Keywords into Your Titles
This used to be the way of doing things. Spammy, keyword-rich content that was written for search engines, not people. However, the times have changed as Google’s language processing abilities have evolved. What once was a success tip is now being seen as something that’s often —
but not always — counterproductive. Instead of awkwardly forcing keywords into all aspects of your internet marketing, create titles that entice readers to click, accurately describe your page, and summarize what readers are about to learn.

You Publish Content with no Value
It’s no longer necessary to stuff keywords into your content, as that can be seen as spam. Instead, try publishing some longer posts in addition to your shorter, keyword-rich blog posts. Studies have shown that posts with about 2,000 words have performed better and gotten more acknowledgment than shorter posts.

Older web design and branding services might have taught you that stuffing a ton of keywords into all aspects of your web design was the way to go. However, that’s no longer the case. It’s important to recognize that things aren’t how they used to be, and that the game of SEO is constantly changing.

If you aren’t on the cutting edge of SEO trends, you’re in serious danger of losing your most valuable rankings.