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3 marketing strategies for preschools

Young teacher talking to children near globe during lesson

The world is changing pretty fast. Every industry and sector is going digital. The traditional form of preschool marketing, which includes the use of signboards, leaflets, banners, business directories, and many more is fast being overtaken by digital marketing.

Preschools that have adopted digital platforms and their marketing are increasing their chances of increasing enrollment in preschools. It is therefore imperative for any preschool that intends to remain competitive and attract more preschoolers to invest in digital marketing platforms. So what are the ways to increase enrollment in preschool? Let’s go through them.

1. Use of social media marketing

The target customers of your digital marketing are the parents of potential preschool students. It is therefore imperative to ensure that you are using the right channel to communicate and spread the word of your preschool out there.

Young parents are increasingly adopting social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, just to mention a few when searching for potential preschools for their children. An interesting fact is that Facebook provides a platform for comments and likes, where a parent can know more about school based on reviews and comments from other parents.

2. SEO

You might have a website for your preschool, but the conversion rate has been low. It is therefore time to consider optimizing your search engine by making sure that your school features in the top searches on the search engine. According to Business2Community, approximately 60% of all organic clicks are linked to the top three organic search results. It is therefore important to ensure that your preschool features the top three of the search engines. The best way to go about it is to hire an SEO specialist who will help you optimize your website.

3. Paid advertising

Most of the paid advertising goes directly to related websites and Facebook pages. Launching a paid advertising campaign is one of the best ways to increase enrollment in preschool as it increases the chances of traffic interaction with the advertisement. Paid advertisements on digital platforms are always optimized to reach a certain number of people on a daily basis, depending on the designated coverage.

Digital marketing is taking over school advertisements. It is therefore important to ensure that your preschool is properly positioned directly to attract potential parents for preschoolers and ultimately increase enrollment. Contact us today if you are interested in utilizing digital marketing for your preschool.
