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Want to Boost Your Contents Reach, Generate New Fans, and Have Viewers Share Blogs? Just Ask the Crowd.

In a previous post we talked about how content, more than ever, should be the key element of your search engine optimization effort. As providers of SEO in Miami, we see it every day. And the brutal fact is that if you don’t have compelling content, you’re wasting time and money. If you Want to Boost Your Contents Reach, Generate New Fans, and Have Viewers Share Blogs, start with these steps.

That’s because good content is a springboard from which you can build social media outreach. It’s not all that complicated. Take a compelling blog post, for example. You can post it on Facebook and Twitter and ask readers to comment. Simply take the premise of an article and throw it back to the crowd.

For example a recent Wall Street Journal article looked at how the “millennial” generation is “redefining adulthood” by putting off marriage, buying a home, and children. Fair enough. But on their Facebook page, they asked their fans, “How do you define adulthood? How is it changing?”

The results? 147 Comments, 558 “Likes,” and – perhaps most importantly – 283 “Shares.”

Of course, the Wall Street Journal is an enormous publication. But the premise holds: by explicitly asking readers to comment and share, they actually will. The result? Greater exposure for your brand and improved SEO rankings.