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Is Your Commitment to Social Media Coming at the Expense of Your Web Design?

Back in the good old days – say, 2001 – the typical small business had one main electronic marketing channel: their web site. These web sites could range from the very simple (think a basic information site) to the complex (think a site with online shopping capabilities.) But Is Your Commitment to Social Media Coming at the Expense of Your Web Design?

Regardless of the nature of the site, there were generally two common outcomes in terms of Web design. One, the business owner would either design the site themselves, or two, the owner would hire someone to do it, who would, in turn, hand over the proverbial “keys” to the small business owner.

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for today. That’s because small business owners have multiple online communication channels that compete for their time: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. As a result, they may forget to keep their Web site up-to-date because they’re too busy managing these other platforms.

If this problem sounds familiar, you may need website designers in Miami. And if so, the experts at Ibis can help you modernize your site’s design to help you build out your brand and expand your business. In the next post, we’ll show you exactly how.
