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Is Having a Website Necessary When You Already Have Social Media?

Is creating a website worth the extra expense?  

If you have a successful social media following and engage in trust-building relationships with potential customers, you may be wondering why you need to create a website at all.

But, while social media is one of the best places to build fans, gain customers, and promote your business through engagement, there are still millions of consumers searching online for the main business website.

Acknowledge this: If a potential customer does not have a website to go to, that gives them the opportunity to start looking at other businesses. And although Facebook allows you to create a page, they limit the information you want to provide and how you want to reach your customers.

By having a website, you now have an opportunity to build your brand, build trust within your company, and most importantly provide far-reaching information about your products and services. It is where consumers will decide whether they want to work with you or not.

Fun fact: You don’t own any of your social media sites, the platforms do.

Sometimes, admin teams suspend profiles or remove accounts if they believe it is necessary- it only takes a few complaints or violations of their service. So what happens then? Wave goodbye to expanding your audience, wave goodbye to your current customers and clients you’ve spent building relationships with, and wave goodbye to the word of mouth.

But, by having a secure website in hand, your customers will have a place to find you. Without one, you will struggle to rebuild your following and grow your customer base. Websites are essential in keeping customers and creating lasting business attempts.

Greater Marketing Opportunites and Promotions 

Websites allow for greater sales, marketing, and promotion opportunities compared to social media.

Acknowledge this: Websites do not need to sleep the way people do. They are “opened” 24/7 allowing your customers to find you anytime anywhere. 

What you can do on your website: 

  • Sell your services or products online/anytime, not when you can reply to messages.
  • Create a blog or a newsletter to maintain connections with customers outside social media.
  • Connect with the customers who don’t use social media at all, or use it for entertainments, not for transactions.
  • Achieve better results, more sales, and track ROI.

And if you don’t have the tech gene or the budget to hire someone, you can still whip up a website and spend less a year than you would trying to boost those posts on your social media accounts.