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5 digital marketing mistakes to avoid

Nowadays, business owners are shifting their marketing efforts online to keep their business relevant. But not any marketing effort can make your business grow; quality and knowledge are important in knowing what to do and not to do. In this article, we’ll look at the most common mistakes and how to avoid them for better digital marketing results.

1. Not being clear about how you can solve your customer’s problem

Digital channels are a great way to boost your business, but they can also be tricky. The attention span of people visiting a website or a profile is very low, meaning you only have a few seconds to let your visitor know how you can make their lives easier. Be clear and concise about your business and communicate how you will solve the problem your prospect has.

2. Too many words, not enough persuasion

Words play a very critical role in your website. The content should persuade customers to do things such as contact you, learn more about you, or engage in some way. Use calls-to-action and affirmative tones and avoid sounding like an infomercial ad.

3. Selling too early

Your goal may be to make revenue fast, but establishing a business has a process and a time of its own. It is important to spend time nurturing prospective buyers instead of pushing for a sale the first time. Clients want engagement, connection and feel like you are offering a unique value proposition. Make sure your prospect is familiar with your brand and service as well as with the value you will offer before going in for the sale.

4. Not appearing authentic

Trust is a big element in making prospects buy your service or product. Using statements like “100% guarantee” or “Safe and secure” too much could cause your customers to doubt your authenticity. A great way to build trust is by having testimonials, real product pictures, or social proof to win a prospect’s trust.

5. Leveraging pop-ups

Pop-ups can be great for upselling and building a mailing list, but many visitors find it frustrating when navigating a website for the first time and a pop-up appears on the screen before they’ve even viewed the site’s content. For a good user experience make sure to first offer value before trying to collect data. Display pop-ups when a user has an exit intent instead of when entering your site.

Digital marketing includes a wide list of things to do, but not all of them will work if done without the proper strategy. For better results, it is best to work with a digital marketing agency that is experienced and has knowledge of the dos and don’ts.