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How can adding videos to a school website help increase enrollment?

If you’re wondering how to increase school enrollment, one of the best methods is to add videos to your school website. Videos can serve as a powerful tool for showcasing the school’s facilities, faculty, and student life. They can help potential students visualize what it would be like to attend your school and make them more likely to enroll. Below are some of the many ways adding videos to your school’s website can help improve student enrollment.

Keep parents updated

One of the best ways to increase school enrollment is to keep parents updated. In a 2017 study, Animoto found that nearly half (47%) of marketers publish at least marketing videos per month. For schools, this could mean creating monthly videos about upcoming events or accomplishments. Videos can also be used to provide parents with a glimpse of campus life, giving them a better understanding of what their children will experience during their time at the school.

Engage prospective students

Videos are a great way to show off the school’s facilities, faculty, and student life in an engaging manner. Providing an inside look at a school through a firsthand recording creates a personable method that better helps someone choose enrollment. Having direct access to videos that provide students with a deeper understanding of the school and what it has to offer can help them visualize what it would be like to attend.

Build trust with families

Videos can be used to build trust with prospective students and their parents. Prospective families will want to intimately understand how the school is run, from classes and extracurricular activities to general campus life. Detailed, visual displays of the school’s inner workings grant parents the knowledge that their children will have a great academic experience at the school, making them more likely to enroll. Plus, seeing the tangible benefits of extracurriculars and school events helps motivate families to enroll or stay enrolled in a school committed to growing their children’s passions and interests.

Adding videos to your school website is just one way to increase student enrollment while building a level of trust with your community. If you’re looking to make your site more attractive and engaging, contact IBIS Studio today so that we can provide you with high-quality online marketing solutions that meet your needs.