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How a Good-Looking Website Can Help Your Business

Having a good-looking website is no longer a luxury. It’s a business necessity.

Internet users make flash judgments depending on the appearance of your website. Having an unattractive website is like having a filthy welcome mat at your front door. The inside of your house might be great but no one will get past the entrance. In fact, 61% of mobile web users won’t revisit slow or hard-to-navigate mobile sites.

The best web design is clean, professional, modern and aesthetically pleasing. Recent studies show that internet users skim websites more than they thoroughly read them, meaning that the look of your site may be even more important than your content. Web design trends change extremely quickly, so it’s important to have a web designer who can continuously update your site to reflect changing preferences.

However, it’s also important to keep some level of consistency. Many customers will be put-off or irritated if basic website functions like navigation menus and company logos keep moving. A consistent website that still leaves room for upgrades and adaptability is ideal, and the best web designers will find a way to balance the two.

A better-looking website also increases the potential for social media sharing. Even if your website has great content, users might not want to link to an unattractive website. In fact, they may even look for similar content on a more polished website before posting it. Social sharing builds brand awareness and experts speculate that social media signals may soon be calculated into Google’s ranking algorithm.

Google also employs manual search quality raters who go through websites and score them on quality of content, usability, and design elements, meaning that a good-looking and easy-to-navigate design could bump up your search engine rating even before search engine optimization or SEO marketing.

The absolute best web design can actually get you exposure in its own right through CSS galleries the showcase site design. This can bring in traffic you wouldn’t have otherwise and keep people talking about your website.

If you think your website could benefit from a more polished design, there are 116,528 web design services in the United States to choose from, so choose one that will make your website and your brand shine.